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Arterial Stiffness
Obtaining arterial stiffness indices from simple arm cuff
measurements: the holy grail?
Pierre Boutouyriea,b, Miriam Reverac,d and Gianfranco Paratic,d
Journal of Hypertension 2009, 27:2159–2161
aUniversite´ Paris Descartes; INSERM, U970, bDepartment of Pharmacology,
Assistance Publique-Hoˆ pitaux de Paris, Hoˆ pital Europe´en Georges Pompidou,
Paris, France, cDepartment of Clinical Medicine and Prevention, Milano-Bicocca
University and dDepartment of Cardiology, IRCCS San Luca Hospital, Istituto
Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy
Correspondence to Professor Gianfranco Parati, MD, Department of Cardiology,
San Luca Hospital, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Via Spagnoletto 3, 20149 Milan,
Tel: +39 02 6191 12890; fax: +39 02 6191 12956;
See original paper on page 2186
Precise assessment of cardiovascular risk factors is a
necessary step for the identification of patients at high
risk of developing cardiovascular events. When setting
the operating curve of the risk function, measurement of
blood glucose and lipids, estimation of blood pressure
(BP) levels, identification of smoking status, and assessment
of existing organ damage represent the main determinants
of the tendency to develop cardiac and vascular
problems over and above the impact of nonmodifiable
factors such as age and sex. Each of these classical risk
factors is included in a risk function specific to a given
population and aimed at yielding absolute quantitative
values of cardiovascular risk [1,2]. Such an approach, in
spite of its clinical usefulness, is affected by important
limitations. This is because the importance of any modifiable
risk factor and its ill effects is highly variable in
individual patients, with most of their risk level depending
on nonmodifiable characteristics and/or on the complex
interaction between a variety of mechanisms. The
usual and disappointing result of this classical approach to
cardiovascular risk assessment is the possibility to target a
very small number of patients at a very high risk only.
This allows prevention of only a minority of the total
burden of cardiovascular events, as most of them occur in
the large majority of patients with only marginally elevated
levels of risk [3].
In this context, the quest for new markers of risk offering