#VitalStream_SOFA_EWS_Decomposition_ECMO_COVID19 #Labtech_Holter_wavelet

#VitalStream_SOFA_EWS_Decomposition_ECMO_COVID19 #Labtech_Holter_wavelet



#wavelet_Labtech12leadsECG_decomposition_CaretakerMedical #SCD_EWS_proposals

#wavelet_Labtech12leadsECG_decomposition_CaretakerMedical #SCD_EWS_proposals


EWS項目は、Sepsis 敗血症などの疾患で特に重要、重症かどうかの目安が数値で警告  



Arterial Stiffness

Am J Hypertens. 2013 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print] Invasive Validation of Arteriograph Estimates of Central Blood Pressure in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Rossen NB, Laugesen E, Peters CD, Ebbehøj E, Knudsen ST, Poulsen PL, Bøtker HE, Hansen KW. Author information • Department of Medicine, Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Silkeborg, Denmark. Abstract BACKGROUND: Central blood pressure (BP) has attracted increasing interest because of a potential superiority over brachial BP in predicting cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Several devices estimating central BP noninvasively are now available. The aim of our study was to determine the validity of the Arteriograph, a brachial cuff-based, oscillometric device, in patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: We measured central BP invasively and compared it with the Arteriograph-estimated values in 22 type 2 diabetic patients referred to elective coronary angiography. RESULTS: The difference (invasively measured BP minus Arteriograph-estimated BP) in central systolic BP (SBP) was 4.4±8.7mm Hg (P = 0.03). The limits of agreement were ±17.1mm Hg. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with invasively measured central SBP, we found a systematic underestimation by the Arteriograph. However, the limits of agreement were similar to the previous Arteriograph validation study and to the invasive validation studies of other brachial cuff-based, oscillometric devices. A limitation in our study was the large number of patients (n = 14 of 36) in which the Arteriograph was unable to analyze the pressure curves. In a research setting, the Arteriograph seems applicable in patients with type 2 diabetes. CLINICAL TRAIL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT01538290. KEYWORDS: blood pressure, brachial cuff-based, oscillometric devices for measurement of central BP, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular risk, central blood pressure (BP), diabetes, hypertension, invasive validation of brachial cuff-based, oscillometric devices noninvasive measurement of central BP.